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Moths -

Wing and Body parts

Antenna            Palps      Head     Thorax         

     Leading Edge(costa)

           Tip (Apex)                 


           Outer edge (termen)

    Trailing corner of forewing (tornus)

Trailing edge of forewing (dorsum)    

Base of Forewing

As far as possible this website avoids the use of scientific terms where accepted English terms are unambiguous. (On these diagrams scientific alternative names are in brackets).




Oval Mark (Orbicular Stigma)

Kidney Mark (Reniform Stigma)

Cross-Band (terminal fascia)

Base of forewing

Leading Edge(costa)

Trailing edge of forewing (dorsum)

Tip (Apex)

Wing parts and markings for a noctuid (Rosy Rustic)

Body and wing parts for a geometer (Grey pug)

Discal Spot

Outer edge (termen)

Trailing corner of forewing (tornus)

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Central Cross-Band (Median fascia)

Basal fascia

Sub-basal fascia

Ante_Median crossline

Post_Median crossline

Sub-terminal crossline

Terminal fascia

Sections of a forewing (Foxglove Pug)
To refer to the position of cross-lines and cross-bands the wing is divided up roughly into seven sections - basal, sub-basal, ante-median, median, post-median, sub-terminal and terminal.

Fringe (cilia)