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Moth IDs

Wing & body parts Glossary of Terms

Identifying common species using photos and simple observation of the adult moths

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Note :- Betty and Tony Rackham’s photo galleries have now been moved to

  Pictures & Lists    

Diagrams labelling parts of an adult moth - giving scientific terms and their English equivalents.
The website uses English terms unless they are ambiguous

If a moth is easily confused with other species  labelled photos show the differences.
Each Comparison Page shows a group of similar moths.

Moth species are grouped into families.
Each page shows the common species in a family or group of families, giving brief details such as, Bradley and Fletcher number, English and Scientific name, flight period, etc

Terms used in moth descriptions on this website and in other websites and books

Comparison Pages              Larvae           

Commonly seen larvae
Moth larvae are as interesting - and different - as the adults. Details and labelled photos of 60 different larvae. Larvae of a few butterflies have also been included because of their similarity and possible confusion with those of moths.